Terms of Service

1. Acceptance of Terms

By downloading, accessing, or using our app (the "Service"), you agree to be bound by these terms of service ("Terms"). If you disagree with any part of the terms, then you may not access the Service.

2. Description of Service

The Service is a mobile application that provides UC Berkeley intramural league data and makes the sport experience more fun and accessible to students.

3. User Conduct

As a user of the Service, you agree to not use the Service to:

  • post or distribute any content that is unlawful, defamatory, abusive, or obscene;
  • violate any person's rights, including intellectual property rights;
  • impersonate any person or entity;
  • post or distribute any content that you do not have a right to transmit;
  • interfere with the operation of the Service or with any other user's use of the Service.

4. Intellectual Property

The Service and its original content, features, and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of One Dollar Summer LLC (hereafter referred to as "ODS") and its licensors. The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the United States and foreign countries. Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of ODS.

5. Privacy

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we collect, use, and disclose your information.

6. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

The Service is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. ODS disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

ODS is not liable for damages, direct or consequential, resulting from your use of the Service, and you agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, losses, liability costs and expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees, arising from your violation of any third-party's rights.

7. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless ODS and its licensee and licensors, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees), resulting from or arising out of a) your use and access of the Service, or b) a breach of these Terms.

8. Termination

We may terminate or suspend your access to the Service immediately, without prior notice or liability, under our sole discretion, for any reason whatsoever and without limitation, including but not limited to a breach of the Terms.

9. General

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, United States, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.